Thursday, September 8, 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

School has started once again. That means a few sad things and some exciting things mostly though it means being very, very, very busy! Do not fear though, I am working on posts ahead of time, so we don't have a week or two without anything. I am always bursting to the brim with topics and ideas, but I lack time to actually type them out. Today though we have some quotes to share with you! We stumbled upon these words of jewels and thought they were so precious and right on that we wantted to give them to you as well.

Purity Is:
Passionate dignity
Resolved with an
Courage to withstand ungodly influence while
Elegantly upholding our Christ given
Liberty and maintaining precious and sensible
Emotion as an adornment of our
Submission to The
Savior” -Amanda Read, written for
Priceless Purity.

“I intend to make myself fit to become a mother,
and being that in every sense,
I shall be fit for any destiny
which God may impose upon me." -
Catherine Booth

“Most folks are about as happy as they
make up their minds to be.”
~ Abraham Lincoln ~

Hope your beggining of school is going well! 

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