Sunday, June 16, 2013


[I've noticed this blog doesn't have many pictures, and I've decided to change that.]

You'd think that on a blog like this, the post title "Housekeeping" would mean an article encouraging ladies to learn homemaking arts.  Well, that would be a good idea, but actually, this post is just a few little notes.  A real article is coming later. ;)
In case you haven't noticed, we got a new design!  :D  I'm super excited about this!  I've disliked the other one pretty much since the beginning, and ever since I took over the blog, it's been on my mind.  I really like this design, too.  Do you like it?  Please let us know on the poll on the upper right hand side of the blog and/or in the comments!  After all, Ladies of the Light doesn't just mean Megan, Melissa, Amy, and I; it means all of us Christian ladies!
And speaking of that, any time any one of you wants to send in an article or idea for an article, feel free!  Just email us at or comment! :-)  Same thing if you have comments or questions on anything we say.
That's about all for now!  Oh, one more thing--Happy Father's Day!  And Gals, don't forget to be grateful for our fathers all the time, not just on Father's Day.  They work really hard for us and are usually unappreciated.

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