Meet the Crew

Mom (i.e. Mrs. Weber) our commenter moderator and the reason this idea is happening. Thank you Mom!

Megan  is the oldest at nineteen. and the planner of the group. Not one to be impulsive, she loves to organize and keep the rest of us on track.  She is pursuing her degree in accounting online through a program called CollegePlus. [For more information on CollegePlus, visit]

Amy is our sweet eighteen-year-old cousin and is our peacemaker. She loves reading and also enjoys spending time with us during the summer.  Amy graduated from high school this year and is studying to take her C.N. test.

Melissa, at seventeen, loves creative things, but is a terrible planner and very impulsive. She dreams big and only gets about one percent of all her ideas done, but she thinks them all up. One of them would be this blog! :)  One of her mottoes that makes us all laugh is "Aim for the sky; hit the ceiling." :D  Melissa will be a senior next year and is preparing for nursing school.

Molly (Me! :D) is fourteen years old.  I love sewing and doing other crafts, as well as music.  I am also now blog webmaster, which means I write most of the posts, respond to emails, and generally manage Ladies of the Light. :)  I will be entering high school next year.